Many of You might be tired to achieve muscular body...that ain't kids play,to get those perfect physic...I wont say Ronnie Coleman has the perfect body or neither Jay Cutler has.Those bodies are filled with steroids and they look unnatural and also has side effects,I agree that they did intelligent use of steroids but do you agree that they looks like natural human being?No,they don't.I am not saying bulky body doesn't look good, they do,but there is a difference between bulky and unnatural bulkiness.As far as my perspective I don't think so,that they have good physics......though i am a Arnold and Stallone fan....but,I condemn steroid use.
Because you can also get a very good physic with natural diet and supplements unless you don't want to become a monster.Bodybuilding isn't a good sport,cos sport increases your life and makes you healthy...that's what I think.Its your choice if like it,I don't have any problem.Maybe you could be right in your own way.Well,I am here to give some tips that how to make good natural body.

Proteins cant be stored in body,If no Physical workout is done Proteins is converted into fats and then it is stored in body.So that's why you have to consume it 5 to 6 small meals in a day.Eat some snacks every time like almonds,hazelnuts,peanuts.etc...They will help to stop your muscle decline.You should take whey protein shake right after you wake up in morning,cos your body haven't got protein since last night and due to this your body acts like cannibalism.I am recommending whey protein,cos they are the most fast digesting protein and gives your body instant protein supply which it requires and also should be taken post workout.Before going to bed you should take casein protein supplement with water or low fat milk,cos it digests slowly and may take 5 to 6 hrs for digestion and provides your body protein for time in small amounts which helps to slowdown the breakdown of muscles at night.
(2) Can Vegetarians Do Bodybuilding?? Well this question may come in your mind,if your are a vegetarians.First of all i want to clear the the term vegetarian,there are many types of vegetarians in world according to different places and religious factors:-
(a) Vegans are those who eats foods only derived from plants and vegetables,but no animal products like meat,eggs and diary products.Those people who are vegans should forget about bodybuilding.Its a myth that to be vegan is healthy,actually you should have balanced diet including meat and diary products.
(b) Lacto-vegetarian are those who's diet includes diary products but not meat and flesh of animals.These people obtain their first class protein mostly from dairy products,though they also have protein deficiency for body building but they can do with the help of supplements.
(c) Lacto-ovo-vegetarian those who's diet includes both egg and dairy products, but no meat,pork,beef,fish or any kind of animal flesh.They have slightly plus point in terms of protein intake but they also should consider supplements for bodybuilding.
(d) Non-vegetarian first of all this term is wrong in my perspective,cos non-vegetarian should not eat any thing which comes from plants but only from animals.But in today's world these types of people aren't much.So,I would call it Omnitarian (meaning, eating all food groups)....these people have the best diet regime for their health and bodybuilding.They could also consider protein supplement for better results.

Fish oil and fish oil capsules are very good supplement for your health and body.They are good source of healthy fats.Almonds, hazel nuts, peanuts, olive oil, soyabean oil are also good source of healthy fats.
Now,you would be thinking that,what fat you should not ingest?
The answer is Trans fat.They can raise cholesterol levels, increase the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, diabetes, liver dysfunction, and infertility.
(4) Fiber well,it isn't macro nutrient,but its very important which many people forgets.Foods which are rich in fiber such vegetables and fruits are very important for us.It also helps in control the cholesterol levels,but most it keeps your system clean.It also cuts the risk of colon cancer.But,don't take fibers in large amounts,cos it decreases the nutrients from your,only 20 to 30 grams of it is sufficient amount to ingest.
(5) Multi-Vitamin Supplement You should also take a good quality multi-vitamin and minerals capsule daily.Which provides all macro and micro nutrients to your body.After eating good quality food also their can be deficiency of some nutrients, which can give your body many benefits.
THATS IT,I wish...that I may could have given you some good information about it...If you have any other question..regarding body building....
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